I’m worried about being exposed to COVID-19. What should I do with my pet?

During this pandemic it is understandable for pet parents to be worried about their pets. Through all the uncertainty, our pets are an undeniable resource for love, joy and happiness. For many of us, our pets provide an unsurpassed a sense of comfort during these difficult times. What would we do if our pet became ill?  Would they have to be taken away? Would they survive?  Fortunately, there is a glimmer of good news. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), American Veterinary Medicine Association (AVMA) and other experts agree, there is no meaningful evidence that animals, including pets can become sick or spread COVID 19 to other animals, including humans.

With that said, here are our best recommendations for pet owners, who are worried about COVID-19 and their pet.

  1. Stay at home – The best way to avoid becoming ill from COVID 19 is to avoid exposure. Staying home is one of the top 3 ways to avoid exposure. We all know how difficult it can be especially with a pet. Fortunately, there are safe ways to leave the house and walk our pets without risking exposure. By maintaining a safe social distance (6 feet) from other walkers and their pets, wearing a mask or facial covering whenever a safe social cannot be maintained, and washing your hands before and after handling your pet, their leash, collar and waste, you and your pet can enjoy a safe, productive outing. However, if you or someone in your home is feeling ill or you would simply prefer to stay home, hiring a qualified professional pet care provider like Luv My Sitter rather than leaning on a friend or relative is highly recommended during this time. The right professional pet care provider can be a valuable resource when it comes to keeping your family safe and providing your pet with the release they need.

  1. Wash your hands often – thorough hand washing is a key defense against viral infections, including COVID 19. Although COVID 19 and other virus are highly contagious and wreak havoc inside the body, they are very fragile in the environment and easily destroyed with the proper use of soap and water. Washing your hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds with soap and water is all that is required to destroy the COVID 19 virus. Since the protective structure of the virus is a fat layer, there has been discussion as to whether hot water works better than cold water when washing, but there have been no significant findings to establish a definitive difference. For an explanation on why soap works click here.

  1. Keep your pet clean – Although experts agree that pets cannot spread COVID 19, it is best practice to keep your pets coat clean and wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling your pet. Keeping your pets coat, food and water bowls, bedding and toys clean can help eliminate respiratory droplets from residing on unexpected surfaces. If you are unable to bathe your pet, Luv My Sitter or other qualified pet care provider may be able to help.
  2. Avoid physical contact with those who are visually sick – COVID 19 is spread from person to person through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Because some people show no signs of illness it is possible for an infected person to be unaware they are infected and unknowingly spread the virus to others.  Therefore, it is important to practice good physical hygiene and observe a healthy social distance until such time as we have more answers and can get the virus under control. More information on hand washing https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/when-how-handwashing.html

    If you become ill with COVID 19 it is not necessary to isolate yourself from your pet but it is suggested to practice precautionary measures when interacting with your pet. Do not share hug, kiss or share food or drink with your pet while you are sick. Having an establish a relationship with a qualified professional pet care provider can help you care for your pet while you recover and limit the threat of spreading the virus to others.

  1. Don’t try to do too much – Between work, family, pets and the ever-tightening mandates, our plates seem to be fuller than ever. Juggling work, homeschooling, tending to the need of a spouse or child, caring for others, keeping the kids occupied along with our pets demands in addition to all our normal daily activities can be overwhelming. Trying to do too much right now, can lead to exhaustion and fatigue which weakens the immune system. Leaning on friends and family is tempting, but unfortunately, it’s not always the best option. Not only are they generally in the same boat when it comes to responsibilities, but we’re simply not as inclined to be vigilant when interacting. During this time of need, establishing a relationship with qualified pet care provider can help lighten your load and help in ways beyond caring for your pet. Qualified pet care providers such as Luv My Sitter are not only providing no contact pet care but also routinely offer concierge services which help you with every day errands like grocery shopping, pick up errands such as pet food or pet supplies, pharmacy or dry cleaning and much more. They can even take your pet to the vet if needed or help in emergency situations. The right pet care provider can lighten your load, eliminate undo stress and anxiety, reducing your likelihood of exposure and let you concentrate on work and family. Plus, you may just get the benefit of a calmer pet.

Our team at Luv My Sitter understands the challenges pet owners and their family members are facing with the current situation. Our unique medical focus can alleviate stress for you and create a support team for day-to-day life during and after these isolated times.

During the COVID-19 crisis our team of specialists will be here to make sure that your pet continues to get the love, exercise, and care it desires while you stay healthy and safe in your homes.

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