Summer in Austin, Texas, means soaring temperatures and scorching heat. While it’s important for humans to stay cool and hydrated, it’s equally crucial to ensure the well-being of our furry friends during this time. Responsible pet owners must take necessary precautions and implement summer safety measures to keep their pets safe, healthy, and comfortable. Here are some Summer safety tips for pets in Austin.
Hydration is Key
The first and foremost tip to combat the Texas heat is to keep your pets hydrated. Ensure they have access to fresh, clean water at all times, both indoors and outdoors. Consider investing in a spill-proof water bowl or a pet fountain to encourage them to drink more water. Additionally, you can freeze pet-friendly treats or make ice cubes with low-sodium chicken broth to provide a refreshing and hydrating snack. If you go on walks, bring a water bottle your dog can drink out of. Packing a backpack with water can ensure your dog stays hydrated while staying active.
Provide Shade and Shelter
Create a shaded retreat for your pets in your backyard or outdoor space. Set up a canopy, use umbrellas, or provide a sheltered area with proper ventilation where your pets can relax and escape the direct sun. Remember, checking the shaded area is crucial to ensure it remains shaded throughout the day as the sun moves. If you go to a dog park, take frequent breaks under a tree or a shaded area. It’s essential to cool your dog to avoid overheating outside.
Limit Outdoor Activities
During peak heat hours, typically from mid-morning to late afternoon, limiting your pet’s outdoor activities is best. The hot pavement can burn their paw pads, so take walks during cooler parts of the day or on grassy surfaces. If you must be outside, consider using pet-friendly booties to protect their paws from the scorching ground. If you have a backyard, consider buying your dog a kiddy pool to keep them cool outside while having fun.
Never Leave Pets in Vehicles
Never leave your pets unattended in a parked vehicle, even temporarily. The temperature inside a car can rise rapidly, even with windows cracked open, leading to heatstroke or even death. If you’re running errands, leave your pets at home in a cool and comfortable environment. Call the authorities and animal protective services if you see a pet locked inside a parked car.
Limit Exercise and Playtime according to the Time of Day
Adjust your pet’s exercise routine to early mornings or evenings when the temperatures are cooler. Engage in indoor games or mentally stimulating activities to keep them entertained and avoid excessive physical exertion during the hottest parts of the day.

Use Cooling Aids
Consider utilizing cooling aids to help your pets beat the heat. Wet towels, cooling mats, or pet-friendly cooling vests can provide relief from high temperatures. These products absorb and dissipate heat from your pet’s body, keeping them cool and comfortable. A pool or sprinkler works just as well as keeping your dogs cool outdoors!
Know the Signs of Heatstroke
Educate yourself about the signs of heatstroke in pets. Common symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, and glazed eyes. If you suspect heatstroke, immediately move your pet to a cool area, offer them water, and immediately contact a veterinarian.
Safely Beat the Heat this Summer
Here are some summer safety tips for pets in Austin! We hope these valuable tips help you and your pets beat the heat and enjoy the summer season in Austin. Summer in Austin can be challenging for humans and pets due to the scorching heat. By implementing these summer safety tips, you can ensure the well-being of your furry friends and help them stay cool and comfortable. Remember, extra care and attention during the hot months can go a long way in keeping your pets healthy and happy. At Luv My Sitter, you can trust our pet professionals to care for your pet while you’re away. Contact us for more information about our pet-sitting services!