Texas summers are hot and humid. National Pet Hydration Awareness Month aims to educate about the importance of staying hydrated. Since our pets can’t communicate or keep hydrated themselves, they must rely on us to keep them cool and hydrated. Let us teach you about dehydration and its dangers so that you can spot the signs before things take a turn for the worst.
What is Dehydration
Dehydration occurs when your body does not have enough water to function properly. Dehydration occurs when you are not drinking water regularly, and the body is losing more water than is being consumed. Being dehydrated can negatively affect body functions and energy levels. Preventing dehydration is easy. If you keep a water bottle handy and make sure your pet’s water bowl is always full, then dehydration can be avoided.
Dangers of Dehydration and Over Dehydration
Hydration is generally essential for everyday bodily functions to function properly. Since water is vital to life, dehydration can be harmful and can ultimately be deadly. This is especially true for cats, in which dehydration may cause a painful urinary blockage. Since our pets cannot get up and serve themselves water, you need to be aware of their drinking habits and ensure they receive an adequate amount.
On hot days be extra vigilant of their drinking amounts. Symptoms of dehydration include: loss of appetite, reduced energy levels, lethargy, panting, sunken, dry-looking eyes, dry nose and gums, and loss of skin elasticity. If your pet loses consciousness, this may be over dehydration and immediately take your pet to the vet.

How to Stay Hydrated
Drinking water regularly throughout the day is how you stay hydrated. Make sure your pet’s water bowls are filled with water and that you pack water for your outdoor adventures. Your pet will naturally go and drink water when they need to. Be sure it is easily accessible to them. In the hot summer months, you can also pack some ice so that after your adventure, you and your pet can refresh yourselves with a cool drink.
Hydration is essential, but it is also important not to overdo it. Over-consuming water is just as harmful as under-consuming it. This is known as water intoxication. Symptoms of overconsuming water are: loss of coordination, lethargy, bloating, vomiting, glazed eyes, excessive salivation, difficulty breathing, seizures, or a coma. It’s best to have water available at all times but allow your pets to drink when they are inclined or if you notice a decrease in energy levels.
Always Have Water Available
With the hot temperatures in Texas, it’s essential to always have water on hand. Ensure to carry extra water bottles or fill up reusable water bottles when you’re on the go with your pets. At home, be sure to have some water bowls outside in your yard that you fill up daily. Or bring a fresh bowl of water with you if you’re planning on doing some outdoor yard work for the day.
If you’re planning a trip to the dog park, be sure to do your research to see if the dog park has a water station available. This information will help you pack accordingly. Water is necessary to live, so don’t worry about over-packing it as it can always come in handy another time!
National Pet Hydration Awareness Month is an important month to educate pet owners about the importance of keeping our pets hydrated and healthy. Daily water consumption is necessary to our pet’s health. Please make sure you regularly change their bowls with clean, fresh water to drink. For outdoor excursions, pack some bottles to have in case there aren’t any water stations. Be sure to enjoy your fun in the sun safely! At Luv My Sitter, we want to see happy and healthy pets, and with the hot summers here, you can never be too careful. Be sure to check out our dog walking and pet sitting services for professional and quality pet care.