Everyone likes to freshen up their homes with fresh scents. Over the years, wall scent diffusers and other essential oil products have become a popular way to freshen and decorate a household. Although they smell nice, these scents and chemicals can harm our cats. You would never think something so small that smells so nice can be so harmful. This blog will look at the dangers of wall scent diffusers around cats. Here are some things to think about next time you buy scent diffusers.
Scent Diffuser Toxicity
Scent diffusers and some essential oils contain substances that are toxic to cats. As they diffuse into the air, the toxins that they release are absorbed by your cat. These toxins can be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed into your cat’s skin. As the toxins travel through your pet’s liver, they lack an enzyme that cannot metabolize and eliminate the toxins from the diffuser. Other toxic substances that essential oils contain are phenols and phenolic compounds. These substances can all affect your cat’s health for the worst. Please note that the higher the concentration of essential oils and the more substantial the diffuser scent, the more significant its effect on your cat.
Types of Scent Diffusers
There are many diffusers and air freshener products to look out for. Wax candles, room sprays, and passive diffusers are the most popular scent diffusers. Passive diffusers are the most popular since they are safer and can cover a larger space. However, despite the efficiency of these diffusers, they disperse their fragrance through the air. Your cat can inhale the toxic air leading to inhaling the toxins in their body and respiratory irritation.

Signs of Diffuser Poisoning
As the toxins remain in your cat’s body, you will start seeing physical and neurological signs that can be signs of poisoning. The symptoms, and the degree to which your cat experiences them are determined by their exposure. These symptoms include drooling, vomiting, tremors and issues walking, low body temperature, and respiratory problems. More serious issues like liver failure can also occur. This can be a deadly effect of diffusers. If your cat experiences any of these issues, including slowness, or a drastic change in typical behavior, be sure to take your pet to the vet immediately for medical attention.
Pet-Safe Alternatives
Since diffusers and essential oils harm cats, it may be best to look for pet-safe alternatives. There are tons of natural ingredients and products that smell nice and are safer alternatives. Things like beeswax candles, DIY natural sprays, cat-friendly plants and herbs, water with vinegar, and pet-safe essential oils like cedar oils are great alternatives. Another means to keep the air clean at home is to purchase an air purifier, or cleaning your home regularly can maintain a pleasant scent. Cleaning your cat’s litter box regularly can also reduce odors from lingering in your home.
Although quick, easy, and practical, scent diffusers and essential oils may not be worth it. The dangers of wall scent diffusers around cats can drastically affect their health. If you have a small diffuser, be sure to put it in a room your pet does not enter or has good ventilation. In general, it’s better to stay clear of them and look for more natural and cat-friendly alternatives. Knowing you have an all-natural product that does not harm your beloved pets can bring you peace of mind. At Luv My Sitter, we want to educate all our customers on the best pet care practices and raise awareness on issues you may not have considered. Please check out our social media to keep up with the latest blogs!